Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ancient Graves

Buwa, North of Fanja
A very very special place

How old are the graves?
Who were they?
Where did they go?

I saw these on 17th March 2011, so many of them. They have survived 1000s of years, untouched by modern times. But I don't  know if they will be there when I go again. The entire place around shows signs of quarrying. I'm not sure the yellow cranes will know what they are going over when they come looking for 'precious' stone here. As much as I want to know the answers to the above questions, I'd rather not know them, if it means digging and ruining the graves.
Till there is a generation which respects ancient history... let these graves survive.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


(photo by me, taken at Russayl, Oman)


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow — I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone —
And all I lov'd — I lov'd alone —
Then — in my childhood — in the dawn
Of a most stormy life — was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still —
From the torrent, or the fountain —
From the red cliff of the mountain —
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold —
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by —
From the thunder, and the storm —
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view —

Edgar Allen Poe


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Some changes are obvious, while others not so much. I know I change quickly.. And here's looking at how my photography has changed.. The output is mostly the result of thought process. So, if there are any changes in my pictures then it can be blamed to my change in thinking. Of course, I am definitely better equipped with camera technicalities than I was a year ago. Hmmn..too much to say when I come to this topic, but before I get carried away, I'm just going to cut forward directly to how my pictures have changed :
 A year ago... I didn't have the courage to click strangers up front, forget interaction. The moment was always more important and the composition mostly forgotten. And technicalities -- I experimented a lot.

This is a recent one. Now I'm clicking not 1 but 3 strangers up front! I now prefer to take a few minutes to compose my photo. I love lower angles, or rather subject-heights. And when your story can be told through black and white, colors are just unnecessary!


It's an embarrassment of sorts.. when you leave something unfinished, untouched or unspoken. I feel the same way about this blog. But, I'm making a comeback.. and I'm going to try harder to keep this going.

Another baby (a website) is under production.. and hopefully once that is up, things will sail smoothly..

Since I can't start off a new topic this way.. I'm just going to end my post here.
