Sunday, March 13, 2011


Some changes are obvious, while others not so much. I know I change quickly.. And here's looking at how my photography has changed.. The output is mostly the result of thought process. So, if there are any changes in my pictures then it can be blamed to my change in thinking. Of course, I am definitely better equipped with camera technicalities than I was a year ago. Hmmn..too much to say when I come to this topic, but before I get carried away, I'm just going to cut forward directly to how my pictures have changed :
 A year ago... I didn't have the courage to click strangers up front, forget interaction. The moment was always more important and the composition mostly forgotten. And technicalities -- I experimented a lot.

This is a recent one. Now I'm clicking not 1 but 3 strangers up front! I now prefer to take a few minutes to compose my photo. I love lower angles, or rather subject-heights. And when your story can be told through black and white, colors are just unnecessary!

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